Benefits of listening to music - Smiley Reader - Smiley Reader

Benefits of listening to music - Smiley Reader

June 17, 2020

Benefits of listening to music
Benefits of listening to music
It has been showing that music significantly improves individuals' psychological prosperity and lift physical well-being. For instance, music exercises can help raise our IQs and keep our brains keener, especially as we get more seasoned. And especially because it makes our ears happy. Seriously! It is probably the main reason. Because it helps my brain to focus on something while we're doing other things, for example, browse Facebook.
And also because I'm bored. And when I listen to music, I'm not tired. I'm doing something
There are a lot of reasons why I always listen to music, but they all have one thing in common. I'll let you try to figure it out.
Here are some more reasons why it is beneficial to me:
  • Because it makes my ears happy. Seriously. It is probably the main reason.
  • Because it helps my brain focus on something while I'm doing other things, like browse Facebook, for example.
  • When I listen to music, I'm don't feel tired while I'm doing something very productive.
  • Because I'm addicted. I listen to music so much that when I stop listening, I feel empty. I need the high.
  • It helps me wake up. I can't get out of my bed at an early hour without music.
  • It helps me work out. There's no chance of me working out without music.
  • I love my AirPods. I don't even know why. But who knows the reason for love anyway? I love putting them on and listening to music.
  • I hear a lot of Rock music. It helps me feel my inner beast, so that's another reason.
  • It distracts me from real life. Which doesn't necessarily suck, but you know, distractions are fantastic.
  • Whenever I don't feel motivated to do school homework (note that I am a teenager), I listen to music, and then I'll feel productive so that I will do more work.
  • It makes me relax when I am stressing out.
  • I like the melody of a few songs, so I want to repeat that song forever
  • It makes me feel happy :)
  • I'll think about my carefree days when I listen
  • Sometimes I can't do work without music
  • I think I look cool with headphones on (just kidding lol)
The last reason is that I learn from music. A lot of things. But one of the things is that it teaches me about songs and I like composing songs. Yup, that's it.

Let us know why you listen to your music?

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