What inspire you most? Music OR Books? - Smiley Reader - Smiley Reader

What inspire you most? Music OR Books? - Smiley Reader

July 06, 2020

What inspire you most? Music OR Books?
What inspire you most? Music OR Books?
Music and books inspire me in different languages and therefore inspire me in different ways. So, this shouldn't be an entirely fair comparison. 

Music lifts my spirits, directs my energy levels, and stimulates my mind as I try to interpret it. It communicates with me through its melody and lyrics, and the message often gets to me in the form of a feeling, an image, or a world that only exists in me. 

Music inspires me by letting my mind run free and create what it wanted to. On the other hand, Books connect with me through words, pages upon pages of it. Books dive me into a world the writer created, guides me through often strange experiences, makes me feel for people or matters I usually would not bother myself with. 

All these are often done by weaving me into the life of the Character (I often read Fiction books). 
Whatever the Character goes through, I do too. 
Whatever the Character feels, I empathize. 
Whatever the Character learns or realizes, I do too. 
Whatever wise words the Character was given, I consider that too. 
Whatever failure the Character encountered; I learn from that. 

Books inspire me when I'm guided by the writer into the life of another, and along the way, create meaning out of another's experience in a way that is relevant to my life. 
Whenever I have free time, I love to read books of all kinds right from fictional books, the inspirational books, dark books like the girl on the train, some knowledge sharing books, some showcasing the gen-next like how the previous-gen thinks about you like i.e generation A Coupland written by Douglas from 2009. Most of the time is devoted by our generation either commuting from one place to another for a job or studies. 

So do you think you gotta have time to settle down in one place and have a dark coffee in companionship with you. As far as the demand of work of life balance is concerned then we are still disguising between work to home and home to work. Even of the weekend, we spend our life, from managing innumerable facts to deal with on a daily basis, to handle our personal or professional commitments. 

So, you can eye on books only when you have got a free mind from your commitment and a silent zone to let you dive into the world of the writer’s mind, and take a journey from the present to the past era in which the writer belongs to. But as I have said that we literally don't have much time so we can do something as listening to the audiobooks while on the train, at the office, or at personal events in the time as convenient as you find. I don't mean that paperback is not good but it lacks durability as it must perish at one time as it is to in condition for wear and tear because of climate condition or the limited life of books. yes, it can be taken care of but how far we can when we’re going to be preserving it from getting into a bad state. Or simply go to your youtube like the channel is free audiobooks, that we are convenient in every way to let the mind relax and lead to a time journey, and let the narrator do the rest. 

Yes, there is music for a loner to get set go into your there, to be productive but today when you are stressed out then there is an application on google play like a calm app which is available on every phone type unless it is not an android one, yes if we have some likeness for one kind of music then there you go. 

If some feel good by listening to rock, jazz, classics, or gazals then you can surprise yourself by taking your family out, and have a good time together by cutting off the time devoted on a mobile phone, enjoy the journey called life as it is meant for ………. 

I am not saying that don't go for earning your bread and butter, but you can take a week off from a specified time in between, as we never know who has been having last breath lift to live in the life cycle. Instead of regretting that this person has left us alone, we can do one thing, appreciating one time we have on this earth together. 

If you wanna relax alone then you can choose either of the ones. I prefer audiobooks over paperback versions and some music as a second priority for motivating us. The last books which I was listening to were about our late APJ kalam sir biography. though it was the first experience over Audible.com: Audiobooks & Original Audio or google application .if you have to just know the lateral background then yet again we can go and browse YouTube .but still it was successful to touch one young generation mind, what else does the thing is important other than the curious mind of your generation next which has the power of changing ones future of a country. Finish with one yet another curious question asked by a schoolboy was 

“Sir, why did you didn't marry and stayed a bachelor?” Kalam sir, with a humble tone, said that 

“If I had been married then I would be teaching my own son or daughter, and it would have made my knowledge into limited beyond the reach of others. so, I stayed a bachelor.” 

There is plenty of opportunities to be inspired by reading books, simply because of the variety of new experiences and thoughts that dance through my mind when I read. Music inspires me too but to a lesser extent. I say this simply because there is less ‘content’ in a song for me to pore over. 

So, I would say Books inspire me more but with great unwillingness. My life simply wouldn't be the same without Music and Books.

For you what inspires you most? Books or Music? Comment below to let us know

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