7 Signs of Maturity: How Mature Are You? - Smiley Reader

7 Signs of Maturity: How Mature Are You?

August 16, 2020

How Mature Are You

From a tea cup storm of friends to a family chat or office meeting, you will often find yourself standing on the boundary of mature or immature level by your work. How do you know if you are still mature or immature?? Match you with the point below!

1. Don't get involved in unnecessary arguments

This is the difference between a mature man and an immature man. People always want to win the argument. But you don't always have to argue to win an argument. Wise people always let others win. Suppose someone is arguing about something wrong, you point out the mistake to him. But he refuses to understand. He wants to stick to his wrong ideas. In this case, an immature person will continue to argue with him, and a mature person will avoid him and say, "Yes brother, I may be mistaken, I think you are right."

2. Gratitude

Suppose someone did you a favor. If you tell them, "I’m so glad you did so much for me!" Or say "I don’t understand how to thank you for your favor!" You see, these are nothing, but the two words of your mouth are a lot. The person will happy to hear that and will want to help you again.
Bigger than that, when someone is grateful to you for any of your work, you will feel that you have helped the right people. And the Mature people acquire this quality in a very wonderful way.

3. Forgive

We all know that forgiveness is a sign of greatness, but how much of us really obey this?! A mature man never sees why a man made a mistake. But they always try to see in what situation the man made the mistake.

And an immature man never knows how to forgive. He always thinks that the one who makes a mistake becomes small, so he will never be given a second chance. An intelligent person should always be sympathetic to others, understand them, and give them a second chance. Otherwise, he would never become a mature person.

4. Think for other people

A mature man always thinks for others. Before doing a job, think about what effect that job will have on the people around him. If you notice, a mature person will never smoke in a public place because it can be humiliating for the people there. And an immature person always thinks about himself, does what feels good to him. But we should always understand that what is good for me can be bad for someone else.

5. Accept changes

When the first railway was placed in America, a group of American farmers declared a revolt. They told authorities that their cows were running and breaking their limbs at the sound of the train's whistle. That’s why they don’t want the railroad. Today America is one of the most developed countries in the world! Can you imagine, at one time the people of their country did not want a railroad. From train to metro, from the metro to the plane, they have accepted the journey, and thus gradually America is at the top of so much progress today. So, change is needed to improve. A mature person knows how much changes are needed. So, he is ready for changes. But an immature person is always afraid of changes.

6. Responsible

When you see you learn to take responsibility, people will start to trust you. Responsibility is a great virtue for gaining people's trust. Suppose there are two competitors in your company. They are both eligible for the promotion. Now, who would you like to promote! Of course, the one who is more responsible. Through responsibility, you take a few steps forward towards your success.

A mature person knows this. so, he is responsible all the time. When he starts work, he finishes it properly. Then he starts doing other things. But an immature person is not serious about his work, he abandons the work. Eventually, he took a few steps back from his goal.

7. Give importance

A mature man is always a good listener. He is always trying to know what the people in front of him are saying. When you give importance to someone's work or words, that person also starts giving importance to your actions or words.

So, to get importance, you have to give importance, a mature person knows it. But an Immature person always wants to emphasize himself. He always listens to his own words and thinks that his words are right. A mature man knows that a man cannot always be right. Sometimes doubting yourself is a sign of maturity!

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